Bradford Council workforce profile

The Council is required by law to publish information about its employees relating to certain categories (known as Protected Characteristics) under the Equality Act 2010. Promoting Equality is one of the Council's core principles and is central to all we do.

So that the user can most easily find and understand the data presented, the Council has adopted a variety of display methods, for example, tables, graphs, text narrative as appropriate to the information. A wide variety of information can be accessed via the links on this page.

Information has been collected for a number of years on Race, Disability, Gender and Age, as was previously the requirement under fore-runner equalities legislation. Therefore, the links will give a good range of information about these characteristics.

Information relating to Sexual Orientation, Pregnancy & Maternity and Religion & Belief has only been a requirement since the Equality Act came into force in 2010. The Council amended its systems to enable information on Sexual Orientation and Religion & Belief to be recorded for its workforce, however this information is provided voluntarily and current take up is low. With only limited information available comparisons using this information would prove unreliable at this stage.

Absence of data should not be taken to imply any lack of interest by the Council in the welfare of these groups; the Council is working hard to help employees feel more comfortable in declaring protected characteristics.

Requests for further employment related information should be sent to: or


Bradford Council




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