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Bradford Schools - Exclusions and Suspensions
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
These datasets provide a Local Authority-level overview of exclusions and fixed-term suspensions. Each dataset offers a longitudinal view of different aspects relating to exclusions and suspensions that can be measured and compared using data collected in the school census.

• Permanent Exclusions and Fixed Term Exclusions, 16/17 to 19/20, by School Type
• Exclusions Reviews
• Suspensions

Further reporting and analysis can be found using the links below.

The data can be explored further using the ‘Create Your Own Tables' function in the DfE's Explore Education Statistics website (select ‘pupils and schools', and then select ‘pupil absence'):

Please note that for the 2019/20 year, , this year's data includes the start of the pandemic when, from 23 March, school sites were closed for all but those children of critical workers and vulnerable children, with others being educated remotely. Permanent exclusions and suspensions were possible throughout the full academic year but comparisons to previous years should be treated with caution.

3 Resources ...  csv

More Information

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency annual

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