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Bradford historic rainfall data 2005-2016
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
These data were measured using 'industry standard' tipping bucket rain gauges however they should not be considered as necessarily conforming to Met Office standards. Whilst suitable sites were sought, on occasion they were less than ideal locations e.g. at exposed areas, on sites elevated above ground level or too close to walls and trees.

- These datasets are not complete as most sites were not in continuous operation. Rain gauges were moved between locations and were at times offline This can be for a number of reasons e.g. flat batteries, faulty loggers or intermittent GPRS connectivity. Timestamps are recorded after every 0.2mm of rain and zero or null records not included.

Without comparing with known reference data e.g. Met Office Historic data (see more information) for Bradford it is difficult to distinguish whether a rain gauge was in operation on any particular date.

Locations are given by postcode area.

Data made available in collaboration with the Interreg North Sea project SCORE (see more information)

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off

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