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Bradford Council payment performance statistics
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Regulation 113 (7) of the Public Contracts Regulations (2015) requires us to publish on an annual basis and covering the previous 12 months:

- The percentage of invoices paid within 30 days;
- The amount of interest paid to suppliers due to late payment; and
- The total amount of interest that we were liable to pay (whether or not paid and whether under any statutory or other requirement), due to a breach of Regulation 113.

This requirement came into effect from 2016/2017.

For further information please contact Michelle Carroll, Information and Compliance Manager, Procurement Service, Bradford Council. 01274 434656

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Frequency annual
Bradford population
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The latest population figures produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 15 July 2024 show that an estimated 560,200 people live in Bradford District - an increase of 7,600 people (1.4%) since the mid-2022 population estimates were published.

Bradford District is the fifth largest metropolitan district (in terms of population) in England, after Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield and Manchester.

The increase in the District's population is largely due to migration (there have been around 5,400 more people coming to live in Bradford than leaving for other parts of the UK and overseas) and "natural change" (there have been around 1,600 more births than deaths).

A large proportion of Bradford's population is dominated by the younger age groups. More than one-quarter (27.9%) of the District's population is aged less than 20 and nearly seven in ten people are aged less than 50. Bradford has the seventh highest percentage (25.5%) of the under 20 population in England after the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, Slough Borough Council, Luton Borough Council, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council and Oldham Borough Council and Birmingham City Council.

The population of Bradford is ethnically diverse. The largest proportion of the district's population (56.7%) identifies themselves as White British. The district has the second largest proportion of people of Pakistani ethnic origin (25.5%) in England.

The largest religious group in Bradford is Christian (33.4% of the population) followed by Muslims (30.5%). 28.2% stated that they had no religion.

There are 209,900 households in the Bradford district. Most households own their own home (31.9% outright and 29.9% with a mortgage or loan). The percentage of privately rented households is 23%. 30.8% of households were single person households.

Information from the Annual Population Survey April 2023 - March 2024 found that 67.4% of people aged 16 and over in Bradford District (excluding full-time students) were in employment and 5.2% were unemployed.

27.1% of the population aged 16 and over were economically inactive - this was higher than the national (21.4%) and regional (24.3%) averages. The largest proportion of economically inactive people aged 16-64 were long-term sick (24.8% of the total) followed by Students (23.6%) and people looking for the family or home (21.9%).

The largest percentage of people in employment (26%) gave their occupation as ‘professional', followed by associate professional occupations (16.3%).

37.5% of the Bradford District population aged 16-64 were qualified at level RQF4 (Higher apprenticeship, HNC, level4 NVQ) or above. This is lower than the regional (41.2%) and national (47.3%) averages.
11.8% of people have no qualifications - higher than the regional (7.6%) and national (6.6%) averages.

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Frequency annual
Bradford parking services
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Data shows the total monthly and annual income received for parking PCNs (penalty charge notices) for both on street and off street (car park) contraventions, monthly bus lane numbers and parking service income by type.

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Frequency monthly
Bradford Schools - Exclusions and Suspensions
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
These datasets provide a Local Authority-level overview of exclusions and fixed-term suspensions. Each dataset offers a longitudinal view of different aspects relating to exclusions and suspensions that can be measured and compared using data collected in the school census.

• Permanent Exclusions and Fixed Term Exclusions, 16/17 to 19/20, by School Type
• Exclusions Reviews
• Suspensions

Further reporting and analysis can be found using the links below.

The data can be explored further using the ‘Create Your Own Tables' function in the DfE's Explore Education Statistics website (select ‘pupils and schools', and then select ‘pupil absence'):

Please note that for the 2019/20 year, , this year's data includes the start of the pandemic when, from 23 March, school sites were closed for all but those children of critical workers and vulnerable children, with others being educated remotely. Permanent exclusions and suspensions were possible throughout the full academic year but comparisons to previous years should be treated with caution.

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Frequency annual
Bradford Council procurement card / virtual card expenditure 2021 - current
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Bradford Council procurement card spend dataset.

- Procurement cards - Bradford Council has issued selected officers with procurement cards.

- Virtual cards
Bradford Council makes payment by virtual (embedded) card to Emergent Crown for office furniture, Lyreco for toner cartridges and Arden Winch for PPE & workwear.

Bradford Council also uses virtual cards for staff who don't have a procurement card. A unique 16-digit virtual card number is generated for single or multiple purchases with controls set on its credit limit and spend validity dates.

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v2)
Frequency monthly
Bradford Council YPO procurement card spend
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Bradford Council Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) procurement card spend dataset.

- Procurement cards - Bradford Council has issued selected officers with procurement cards. Details of the card transactions are published on a monthly basis.

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Frequency monthly
Caravan Sites
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The Mobile Homes (Requirement for Manager of Site to be Fit and Proper Person) (England) Regulations 2020 ('the Regulations') introduced a fit and proper person test for mobile home site owners or the person appointed to manage the site, unless exempted by the Regulations.

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Frequency one off
Ofsted Outcomes - Bradford Schools
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
This dataset provides school-level detail concerning Ofsted outcomes. The dataset forms part of the DfE's ‘Official Statistics' published three times a year, giving a snapshot view of Ofsted outcomes at:

31 March (published June)

31 August (published October / November)

31 December (published March)

The data can be used to look at the most recent inspection outcomes, previous outcomes and details of Inspection 8 outcomes, to provide a detailed overview of Ofsted inspection-related performance in Bradford.

Historic data and reporting by the DfE can be found using the links below. Ofsted also publish an interactive ‘Data View' tool to investigate and compare outcomes across Local Authorities. The final link gives in-depth

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Frequency tri-annually
Bradford Schools - Attendance (Absence)
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
These datasets provide an aggregate overview, by a specific characteristic, of key measures relating to the absence of pupils aged 5 to 15 in state-funded primary, state-funded secondary and special schools in England:

• Overall Absence
• Authorised Absence
• Unauthorised Absence
• Enrolments who are Persistent Absentees - % of enrolled cohort

The DfE publish a termly as well as an annual position of attendance, and further reporting and analysis can be found below.

The data can be explored further using the ‘Create Your Own Tables' function in the DfE's Explore Education Statistics website (select ‘pupils and schools', and then select ‘pupil absence').

School level data can be downloaded from the last of the three links at the bottom of this page (overall absence and persistent absence rates).

Please note that for the 2019/20 year, only the first term of data was published due to Coronavirus and the impact of restrictions on school attendance. Therefore, there is no full year dataset for this year (Autumn 19/20 is available using the above links).

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Frequency annual
Children and Young People with an EHCP in Bradford
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
These datasets provide views of our overall and new EHCP population by year, and are derived from the annual SEN2 statutory return.

There are several tables that provide different views of the data:

• EHCP & Statements by Year
• EHCP & Statements by Year
• New EHCP Timeliness & Outcomes by Year
• Direct Payments by Year
• All EHCP & Statements by Setting and Year
• New EHCP & Statements by Setting and Year

Analysis and reporting by the DfE can be found using the links at the bottom of this page. The data can be explored further using the ‘Create Your Own Tables' function in the DfE's Explore Education Statistics website.

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Frequency annual
Key Stage 2 (KS2) Attainment
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Updated annually*, the KS2 dataset provides a school-level breakdown of Key Stage 2 outcomes across the key subject areas and by specific measures. The data is based on the annual revised publication of data from the DfE and represents the schools that were open at that point in time.

*Due to the impact of Covid-19 on assessments and examinations in 2019/20 and 2020/21, the most recent data available in this series is from

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Frequency annual
Bradford Council contracts
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
In accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 we publish details of our contracts over £5,000 on a quarterly basis.

This information is subject to continuous review and improvement. If you have any queries, please contact us.

Details of current tender opportunities and awarded contracts can be found on

• YORtender - regional e.tendering portal
• Contracts Finder (opportunities over £25,000)
• Find a Tender (opportunities above the relevant Threshold)

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License Creative Commons Attribution
Frequency quarterly
Bradford schools
Department for Education
Get Information About Schools (GIAS) is a publicly available resource and can be used to find details about schools, children's centres, academy trusts and sponsors, and school federations in England. The information available is updated by both the Department for Education and by schools themselves, and is updated in GIAS on a daily basis.

These datasets are derived from GIAS to provide a view of open schools in Bradford.

One dataset gives detail of all Bradford schools, including independent, Further Education, and Higher Education settings.
The other dataset excludes these setting to give a list of 'Bradford Local Authority' schools.

The lists include schools whose status is either 'open', or 'due to close' at the time of extraction. The Ofsted rating is taken from GIAS, which in turn aligns to ratings published on the Ofsted website.

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Frequency annual
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Attainment
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The Early Years dataset allows comparison between LA, region and country across English (Reading & Writing), Maths and Science attainment. There is a separate dataset generated for each academic year of attainment for this Key Stage.
These measures are then split by gender to give a lower level of aggregation.
Please note that for 2019/20 and 2020/21, there is no data available due to Covid-19 restrictions and the impact on assessment and attainment.

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Frequency annual
Admission appeals in Bradford
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
These statistics provide information about appeals made following the refusal of a school place application.

Most appeals are made relating to an application through the annual coordinated admissions process for entry into primary or secondary school but appeals relating to other transfers at the start of the school year are included.

The latest data covers appeals relating to admissions at the start of the 2020 to 2022 academic year. The appeals must have been lodged within the relevant year, with the appropriate admissions authority by the 1st September.

The figures detail the number of appeals lodged, heard (by an appeals panel) and successful. Appeal rates are calculated on the number of new admissions or, for successful appeals, the number heard.

The DfE figures available are provided by school phase, with primary schools split into infant and other primary classes where appropriate. The data is further divided by governance or, separately, broken down by national, regional and local authority level.

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Frequency annual
Bradford pupils
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
These datasets are derived from our annual Spring School Census (conducted in January of each year), and provide a school-level overview of a cohort and its broad characteristics.

The DfE publish analysis and data in relation to the January census each July in a variety of formats.

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Frequency annual
Bradford Council grants
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Public Health Funerals
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Public health funerals are provided by local authorities for people who have passed away and have no next of kin, or whose next of kin, relatives or friends are unable or unwilling to make the necessary arrangements for a funeral. They are designed to protect public health and are important in ensuring that all individuals are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their circumstances.

The Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 (‘the Act') places a statutory duty on local authorities to arrange for a burial or cremation where no suitable alternative arrangements are being made. However, the Act does not define how local authorities should carry out this duty - meaning there is considerable flexibility in how these funerals are delivered.

The provisions within section 46 of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 were developed to protect public safety and limit the spread of infectious diseases - their primary objective is to protect public health.
Public health funerals are delivered and funded by local authorities (although local authorities can recover their costs from the estate of the deceased). For deaths that occur in hospital, NHS Trusts are advised to develop their own policy which takes into account their local authority protocol and work together to ensure a respectful burial or cremation as efficiently as possible.

What is legally required of local authorities?

Section 46, ‘Burial and Cremation' of the Act requires that:

It shall be the duty of a local authority to cause to be buried or cremated the body of any person who has died or been found dead in their area, in any case where it appears to the authority that no suitable arrangements for the disposal of the body have been or are being made otherwise than by the authority.

Local authorities, as defined in Section 1 of the Act, are therefore responsible for arranging a burial or cremation where a person has died or who has been found dead in their area (though may not live there), and it is apparent that this will not be carried out otherwise. Local authorities also have responsibilities where the deceased were provided with accommodation in care settings.

The Act also stipulates:

• The deceased should not be cremated where the local authority has reason to believe that would be contrary to the wishes of the deceased. It is therefore important to be mindful of any indications of the deceased's preferred method for their final committal, including any requirements they had in relation to their religion or belief. Further details are included in section 4.
• A local authority may recover, from the estate of the deceased person, the expenses incurred in the provision of a public health funeral. The Act also stipulates that this is recoverable as civil debt by proceedings brought within three years after the sum becomes due. Further information on recouping the costs of the funeral can be found in section 6.

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Frequency annual
Bradford Council complaints
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
A dataset showing an overview of the Council's complaints performance from 2022-24

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Frequency annual
Bradford Council - gender pay gap
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The Council has published figures showing the difference between average earnings of males and females working across the authority. The figures have been published in response to new national legislation.

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Frequency annual
Key Stage 4 (KS4) Attainment
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Updated annually*, the KS4 dataset provides a school-level breakdown of Key Stage 4. The data is based on the annual revised publication of data from the DfE and represents the schools that were open at that point in time.

*Due to the impact of Covid-19 on assessments and examinations in 2019/20 and 2020/21, the most recent data available in this series is from 2018/19. However, LA-level outcomes have been published in 2019/20 and 2020/21. Please use the above links to explore these outcomes.

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Frequency annual
Key Stage 5 (KS5) Attainment
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Updated annually*, the KS5 data, drawn from the Compare School Data website and NEXUS (compiled OFSTED ratings, full reports available at the DfE), was chosen to represent some character of the school (Type, Denomination, Size of the 16-18 cohort and Ofsted rating) alongside attainment data. Ease of understanding has been considered by the inclusion of grades based on the average attainment for each average point score. Academic entry scores are those qualifications that enable entry into further education. Applied general qualifications and tech level qualifications are included to show alternative qualification attainments against schools. The selection of qualifications included are to allow comparison of schools against various criteria of academia.

*Due to the impact of Covid-19 on assessments and examinations in 2019/20 and 2020/21, the most recent data available in this series is from 2018/19.
Additionally, DfE have published LA-level outcomes for KS5 in 19/20 and will do so for 20/21. This data is not included in these open data sets as they are not school derived levels and cannot be directly compared to historical data.

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Bradford Council energy consumption
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
This information shows the different types of utilities used by Bradford Council and the existing contracts. The data provides a breakdown of the energy costs and consumption across the corporate buildings, including some of the process around Bradford Council corporate buildings utility processes and statistics.

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Frequency one off
Bradford Council pay structure
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The highest paid salary in this Authority is £178,476 p.a. which is paid to the Chief Executive. The average median salary in this Authority (not including employees in schools maintained by the Authority) is £19,742 p.a. The ratio between the two salaries, the 'pay multiple' is 9.0:1. This Authority does not have a policy on maintaining or reaching a specific 'pay multiple', however the Authority is conscious of the need to ensure that the salary of the highest paid employee is not excessive and is consistent with the needs of the Authority as expressed in the pay policy statement.

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Frequency one off
Bradford Council fraud
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
A dataset showing information about Bradford Council's counter fraud work.

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Frequency annual
Braford Council workforce profile
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The Council is required by law to publish information about its employees relating to certain categories (known as Protected Characteristics) under the Equality Act 2010. Promoting Equality is one of the Council's core principles and is central to all we do.

So that the user can most easily find and understand the data presented, the Council has adopted a variety of display methods e.g. tables, graphs, text narrative as appropriate to the information. A wide variety of information can be accessed via the links on this page.

Information has been collected for a number of years on Race, Disability, Gender and Age, as was previously the requirement under fore-runner equalities legislation. Therefore, the links will give a good range of information about these characteristics.

Information relating to Sexual Orientation, Pregnancy & Maternity and Religion & Belief has only been a requirement since the Equality Act came into force in 2010. The Council amended its systems to enable information on Sexual Orientation and Religion & Belief to be recorded for its workforce, however this information is provided voluntarily and current take up is low. With only limited information available comparisons using this information would prove unreliable at this stage.

Absence of data should not be taken to imply any lack of interest by the Council in the welfare of these groups; the Council is working hard to help employees feel more comfortable in declaring protected characteristics.

Requests for further employment related information should be sent to:
Email: or

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Frequency annual
Key Stage 1 (KS1) Attainment
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The Phonics dataset allows comparison between LA, region and country across different Phonics-related measures. There is a separate dataset generated for each academic year of attainment for this Key Stage. The data released is published as provisional results with final results being released the following year.
These measures are split by gender to give a lower level of aggregation and to allow analysis of outcomes between groups.

Please note that for 2019/20 and 2020/21, there is no data available due to Covid-19 restrictions and the resulting impact on assessment and attainment.

Further reporting and analysis can be found using the link below.

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency annual
Phonics Attainment
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The Phonics dataset allows comparison between LA, region and country across different Phonics-related measures. There is a separate dataset generated for each academic year of attainment for this Key Stage.
These measures are split by gender to give a lower level of aggregation and to allow analysis of outcomes between groups.
Please note that for 2019/20 and 2020/21, there is no data available due to Covid-19 restrictions and the resulting impact on assessment and attainment.

Further reporting and analysis can be found using the 'Phonic screening check and key stage 1 assessment - England 2019' link below

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Frequency annual
Bradford brownfield register
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The purpose of the register is to promote sites with unimplemented planning permission for residential development and to identify further opportunities where land is suitable for new homes in the District, to encourage re use of the land/buildings, stimulate regeneration and drive up housing delivery.

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Frequency annual
Bradford Council census results 2021
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The 2021 Census was published on 8 June 2021. The Census takes place every 10 years and is used to collect information from households which are then turned into statistics about the population.

The Census contains data about the population by gender and age band, ethnicity, religion, country of birth and language spoken. There is also data about migration, and economic and educational activity at a range of different geographical levels.

You can also find our analysis of the figures and other supporting information on the Understanding Bradford District website.

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Frequency one off
Secondary and primary school applications and offers
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
These statistics provide the number of offers made to applicants for secondary and primary school places to start in September 2021, and the proportion which received preferred offers.
The data is collected from local authorities. The offers were made, and data collected, based on the national offer days of 1 March 2021 (secondary) and 16 April 2021 (primary).
Figures are provided at national, regional and local authority level. A time series is provided going back to 2014, when primary data was collected for the first time following the introduction of the first primary national offer day.
The application and offer data is gathered at pupil level from which school level figures can be produced.
Bespoke datasets can be created directly from Explore Education Statistics:

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Bradford gambling licences
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Showing a list of Gambling Licences of premises situated within the CBMDC between the years 2007 to 2019.

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Frequency annual
Bradford planning statutory newspaper notices
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
This dataset relates to the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council's planning statutory newspaper notices, and is updated every month.

We are working on creating the files between October 2018 to September 2019. These will be added as soon as possible.

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Frequency monthly
Bradford Council fleet vehicles / fuel consumption
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Bradford Council fleet vehicle dataset. This dataset includes

- The vehicles maintained by the council's in house workshop facility.
- How much fuel each council vehicle has consumed, by fuel type during the 12 month period.

The following information refers to the columns in the data:

- Fleet No = fleet number (specific number used to identify a vehicle)
- Litres = fuel used in litre
- Product = DSL: Diesel, UNL: Unleaded, GAS: Gas
- Odo = Speedo reading
- Distance = Total mileage for the reporting period
- MPG = Miles Per Gallon
- AdBlue is a liquid used to reduce the nitrous oxide emissions of diesel engines and is made up of a mixture of urea and deionized water that is sprayed into the exhaust system. Its widespread introduction coincided with the current Euro 6 emissions standards, which are part of ever more stringent emissions targets that car manufacturers are now required to meet. Without AdBlue, it would be much more difficult to lower the emissions of diesel cars and get them to comply with the latest standards.

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Frequency one off
Bradford council printers
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
A list of all networked printers for the Bradford council

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Frequency one off
Bradford Council procurement card / virtual card expenditure 2015 - 2020
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Bradford Council procurement card spend dataset.

- Procurement cards - Bradford Council has issued selected officers with procurement cards.

- Virtual cards
Bradford Council makes payment by virtual (embedded) card to Emergent Crown for office furniture, Lyreco for toner cartridges and Arden Winch for PPE & workwear.

Bradford Council also uses virtual cards for staff who don't have a procurement card. A unique 16-digit virtual card number is generated for single or multiple purchases with controls set on its credit limit and spend validity dates.

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Frequency monthly
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle licences issued in Bradford
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
List of all Hackney Carriage (Taxi) and Private Hire (Minicab) vehicle licences issued by City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council.

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Frequency weekly
Backstone Beck, Ilkley, Hydraulic model
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Backstone Beck rises in Ilkley Moor and flows in Northerly direction between Ben Rhydding and Ilkley towards its confluence with the River Wharfe.

This dataset consists of triangulated areas and has a number of attributes describing various modelling output parameters such as depth, elevation etc. for each element 20 year, 100 year and 1000 year events are included together with variations for 30% climate change

Typically, river and sewer systems are modelled with tools which are tailored for those purposes. Although the hydraulic processes modelling at the core of the different tools may be similar, the user interfaces, data management systems and hydrological modelling are designed to meet different requirements and reflect the differences in the nature of the different drainage systems. The diversity of the river system and the land use presents a number of choices with respect to the modelling methodology.

The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (CBMDC) acquired InfoWorks CS 2D to carry out this type of modelling. This software is accepted by the Environment Agency as being suitable for this type of assessment. The Backstone Beck model is represented by a 1D network of nodes and conduits, the information used to construct the network being obtained from a mixture of historic and contemporary surveys. The 2D surface networks have been created from the 1m horizontal resolution LIDAR data set procured by CBMDC

The hydraulic model is driven by hydrographs generated using the Revitalised Flood Hydrograph (ReFH) method2. Hydrographs were generated at the start of each main branch in the model and at key intermediate points along the length of the model.

Interpretation of outputs

The simulations modelled in InfoWorks use a 1 metre horizontal resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM), which results in a much higher resolution of detail (including vertical resolution). It is important to remember that the hydrological and hydraulic representations in the modelling are simplifications of reality and that it is important not to place too much emphasis on perceptions of accuracy resulting from the increased resolution.


Details of the DEM used in the analysis are based upon data supplied under licence to the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council to assist in the development of appropriate flood risk avoidance, resistance and resilience measures. However, the any user of the data should make appropriate allowances for the hydrological and hydraulic uncertainties inherent within any flood risk assessment.

Caution this dataset is made up of 37 7-Zip files at around 5Gb per file. When uncompressed the whole dataset is around 1.3Tb.

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Frequency one off
Covid deaths by care home
The Care Quality Commission (CQC)
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) publish a dashboard presenting a visual picture of death notifications involving COVID-19 of Care Home residents in England. Data can be analysed by region, local authority area and by individual care home

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Frequency one off
Bradford parish councillors and boundaries
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
List containing names of parish councillors and the addresses for boundary purposes.

This information was correct at the time of publishing - May 2021.

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Frequency annual
Bradford Beck flood model
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Bradford Beck is the largest watercourse running through Bradford city centre.

This dataset consists of triangulated areas and has a number of attributes describing various modelling output parameters such as depth, elevation etc. for each element 20 year, 100 year and 1000 year events are included together with variations for 30% climate change

Typically, river and sewer systems are modelled with tools which are tailored for those purposes. Although the hydraulic processes modelling at the core of the different tools may be similar, the user interfaces, data management systems and hydrological modelling are designed to meet different requirements and reflect the differences in the nature of the different drainage systems. The diversity of the river system and the land use presents a number of choices with respect to the modelling methodology.

To the west of Bradford, the predominantly rural land use and open (natural) watercourses are best represented by river modelling software. However, the urban land use and the nature of the drainage system with culverted watercourses are better represented by sewer simulation software.

The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (CBMDC) acquired InfoWorks CS 2D to carry out this type of modelling. This software is accepted by the Environment Agency as being suitable for this type of assessment. The Bradford Beck system is represented by a 1D network of nodes and conduits, the information used to construct the network being obtained from a mixture of historic and contemporary surveys. The 2D surface networks have been created from the 1m horizontal resolution LIDAR data set procured by CBMDC

The hydraulic model is driven by hydrographs generated using the Revitalised Flood Hydrograph (ReFH) method2. Hydrographs were generated at the start of each main branch in the model and at key intermediate points along the length of the model.

Interpretation of outputs

The simulations modelled in InfoWorks use a 1 metre horizontal resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM), which results in a much higher resolution of detail (including vertical resolution). It is important to remember that the hydrological and hydraulic representations in the modelling are simplifications of reality and that it is important not to place too much emphasis on perceptions of accuracy resulting from the increased resolution.


Details of the DEM used in the analysis are based upon data supplied under licence to the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council to assist in the development of appropriate flood risk avoidance, resistance and resilience measures. However, the any user of the data should make appropriate allowances for the hydrological and hydraulic uncertainties inherent within any flood risk assessment.

Data made available in collaboration with the Interreg North Sea project SCORE (see more information)

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Frequency one off
Bradford Council trade union facility time
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
For the latest details of The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council's Trade union facility time see the link.

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver licences issued in Bradford
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
List of all Hackney Carriage (Taxi) and Private Hire (Minicab) driver licences issued by City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council.

1 Resource ...  csv

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency weekly
Bradford schools and colleges
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
National Statistics web page showing performance information for all schools in Bradford Metropolitan District Council. Data can be downloaded from 1991 to 2019.

- Primary Schools
- Secondary Schools
- 16-18 performance
- Ofsted Ratings
- Absence and pupil population
- Workforce and finance

4 Resources ...  html

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Bradford business rates
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Business Rates datasets available for the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
- General list of business properties in the Bradford District
- Credits held against Business Rate accounts
- Write on report
- New Business Rate accounts created in the last month

1 Resource ...  csv

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency annual
Public Health - Child excess weight
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Datasets from Bradford Metropolitan District Council's Public Health department.

All datasets providing data by ward, area and district.

1 Resource ...  xls

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Public Health - premature mortality
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Datasets from Bradford Metropolitan District Council's Public Health department.

All datasets providing data by ward, area and district.

3 Resources ...  xls

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Public Health - Life expectancy at birth
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Datasets from Bradford Metropolitan District Council's Public Health department.

All datasets providing data by ward, area and district.

1 Resource ...  xls

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Air quality monitors - BTInlink pilot
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Over the past few months we've been running a pilot with air quality sensors placed inside BT InLink stands. These sensors capture and send data every minute. This data is a snapshot of the real time data.
  • Nitrogen Dioxide - PPB
  • Carbon Monoxide - PPM
  • Relative Humidity
  • Temperature
DEFRA data is normally in ug /m3, the formulae to go from PPB to ug. It is temperature dependant but a rough approximation of conversion is times the PPB by the factor below to get ug/m3 (see link below for more details).
*1.88 at 25 degrees C
*1.95 at 15 degrees C
*1.98 at 10 degrees C
*2.02 at 5 degrees C





Bridge Street (junction Norfolk Gardens)




Manchester Road (junction Newall Street)




Chester Street (junction Morley Street)




Godwin Street (junction Westgate)




St. Thomass Road (junction Westgate)




CSV's hold current data for the last 30 days and this is updated daily to keep the last 30 days cycle and Zip files hold historic data for Air Quality Monitoring.
Update 10th Jan 2020 - The devices are being returned to the factory for an upgrade, as a result there may be gaps in available data for the next few weeks.

9 Resources ...  csv  link  html

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Adult social care - short and long term support (SALT)
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
This data contains information on the number of contacts for services within adult social care and information on the number of both long and short term support services.

The data is currently available in pdf format but we plan to publish the data in raw format in future years.

5 Resources ...  pdf  html

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency annual
Defra Data Services Platform
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Defra group have put in place the Data Services Platform to make environmental data openly available to a wide range of users. The more people know about the environment, the better informed will be their actions and decisions that can help safeguard our natural environment, support our food and farming industry and sustain a thriving rural economy.

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License Not Specified
Frequency one off
Public Health Profiles
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
These profiles are a rich source of indicators across a range of health and wellbeing themes that has been designed to support JSNA and commissioning to improve health and wellbeing, and reduce inequalities. With these profiles you can:

- Browse indicators at different geographical levels
- Benchmark against the regional or England average
- Export data to use locally

These profiles have been developed by Public Health England.

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License Not Specified
Frequency one off
Bradford Property Disposals within Last 5 Years
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
This dataset provides a list of Bradford City Council land and property (not including council housing) which has been sold by the Council since April 2014

1 Resource ...  xls

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency annual
Bradford - English indices of deprivation 2015
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Bradford specific file with deprivation indices created from Ministry of Housing Communities & Local Government.

- Index of Multiple Deprivation
- Income
- Employment
- Education and Skills
- Health and Disability
- Crime
- Barriers to Housing & Services
- Living Environment

3 Resources ...  csv  html

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Bradford fly tipping
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
This dataset is derived from Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and relates to reports of fly tipping on public land reported between November 2009 and December 2017.

During this time fly tipping issues were logged against the street. c.85% of issues were reported against a street that is entirely within a single ward.

Where a street passes through multiple wards then all ward names are shown.

Not all fly tips reported to Street Cleansing were removed by the service; examples of this would be where the customer is reporting a fly tip that is actually located on private land.

This data does not currently include cases passed to the Council's Environmental Enforcement unit for investigation.

1 Resource ...  api

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Bradford car parks
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Resources from the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (CBMDC) Parking service.

1 - Car park locations
a simple csv containing name and location including latitude / longitude

2 - Car park current status.
API that returns a csv dataset of the current status of 8 Bradford city centre car parks. The dataset returns capacity, empty places, status together with location details.
The dataset is updated every 5 minutes for a live view of spaces in these car parks.

3 - Car park historic status
API that returns a csv dataset building up the historic status of the 8 city centre car parks.
The dataset is updated every 30 minutes.

4 Resources ...  csv  geojson

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency daily
Workforce data
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The interactive dashboard contains the latest information as published in the "State of the adult social care sector and workforce report".

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
NHS Adult Social Care Analytical Hub
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The adult social care analytical contains all the statutory return publications, providing interactive dashboards and links to further data.

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Bradford Council parking account and space
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Car parking spaces:
There are 3997 off-street and 759 on-street car park spaces in Bradford district.

1 Resource ...  xls

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Bradford indices of multiple deprivation
ODI Leeds
ODI Leeds Data Mapper collates data sourced from Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government in relation to indices of multiple deprivation

All source data files are available to download.

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Open Street Map - ODI Leeds Data Mapper
ODI Leeds
ODI Leeds Data Mapper collates data sourced from Open Street Map, as well as other sites; including this DataHub.

Open Street map layers specifically including.....

Allotments; benches; bicycle parking; community centres; cafes; libraries; parks; post boxes; post offices; schools; social clubs; trees; woods

All source data files are available to download.

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency daily
Bradford historic rainfall data 2005-2016
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
These data were measured using 'industry standard' tipping bucket rain gauges however they should not be considered as necessarily conforming to Met Office standards. Whilst suitable sites were sought, on occasion they were less than ideal locations e.g. at exposed areas, on sites elevated above ground level or too close to walls and trees.

- These datasets are not complete as most sites were not in continuous operation. Rain gauges were moved between locations and were at times offline This can be for a number of reasons e.g. flat batteries, faulty loggers or intermittent GPRS connectivity. Timestamps are recorded after every 0.2mm of rain and zero or null records not included.

Without comparing with known reference data e.g. Met Office Historic data (see more information) for Bradford it is difficult to distinguish whether a rain gauge was in operation on any particular date.

Locations are given by postcode area.

Data made available in collaboration with the Interreg North Sea project SCORE (see more information)

1 Resource ...  xls

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Bradford graffiti
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
This dataset is derived from Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and includes all graffiti reported to the council between between November 2009 and December 2017.
This data does not include any cases that have been identified internally whilst staff are going about their daily work

Graffiti reports are logged against the street. c.80% of issues were reported against a street that is entirely within a single ward. Where a street passes through multiple wards then all ward names are shown.
Where there is no street associated to the report then the Street Name field will "be blank" and there will be no ward associated to the report either.

The data may include multiple reports for the same issue i.e. where two separate customers contact the council about a cleansing problem.

1 Resource ...  xls

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Bradford street cleansing
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
This dataset is derived from Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and relates to reports about street cleansing issues between November 2009 and December 2017.
Street cleansing issues covered in this data set are

- Litter / Litter picking
- Detritus and mud / mechanical sweeping
- Blossom and leaves
- Dog fouling
- Litter bin emptying
- Green bags not collected

Street Cleansing reports are logged against the street. c.82% of issues were reported against a street that is entirely within a single ward. Where a street passes through multiple wards then all ward names are shown.
Where there is no street associated to the report then the Street Name field will display "No Associated Street Record" and there will be no ward associated to the report either.

The data may include multiple reports for the same issue i.e. where two separate customers contact the council about a cleansing problem.

1 Resource ...  csv

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Bradford Council tax charges
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Council tax charges information by property band, for each financial year agreed in February.

3 Resources ...  xls  pdf

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency annual
Bradford City leisure and sports
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Sports and Leisure Activities and Centres across Bradford City

1 Resource ...  html

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency annual
Bradford non council sports facilities across the district
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Non Council sports facilities across the Bradford District (including gyms, indoor/outdoor football etc)

1 Resource ...  html

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency annual
Empty properties owned by Ltd companies
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
This data relates to long term empty properties (i.e. those that have been empty for more than 6 months). The information relates purely to empty property addresses that are within the private sector and which are not owned by private individuals (i.e. owned by limited companies).

The Council considers that the full addresses of the privately owned properties can be considered to be personal data and is therefore exempt under section 40 (personal information) of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), as the information constitutes third party data.

1 Resource ...  xls

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency annual
Bradford general election results 2017
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Dataset provides information on general elections in Bradford. You can find details of candidates, the parties they represent, and the number of votes they received.

2 Resources ...  html  csv

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Care Homes
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
This dataset contains the locations of Care Homes and Care Homes with Nursing Provision within the Metropolitan District of Bradford.

The latitude/longitude location fields are indicative only, they are the centre of properties at the postcode.

2 Resources ...  csv  geojson

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency annual
Visit Bradford
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
RSS feed to keep abreast of places to visit while in Bradford.

1 Resource ...  xml

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Bradford theatres
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
RSS feed to keep abreast of events at Bradford theatres.

1 Resource ...  xml

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency weekly
Bradford highways additional capital funding
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Details of highway maintenance additional capital funding including data on

- pothole fund additional permanent patching schemes
- pothole fund additional resurfacing preventative schemes

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Tour de France
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The information relates to the economic boost from the Tour de France 2014, for the City of Bradford Metropolitan District and wider. How various teams worked together seamlessly to provide a service, and the overall impact on tourism, business, cycling and the region.

3 Resources ...  pdf  doc

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Frequency one off
Bradford places to shop
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Places to go shopping in Bradford.

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Bradford museums and galleries highlights
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The link points to the Bradford & Museum Galleries website.

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Cycle routes for West Yorkshire
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
An interactive cycling route for West Yorkshire, showing all the cycle routes (not restricted to cycle lanes).

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
WiFi spots
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
A dataset showing a list of free wifi hotspots provided by Bradford MDC including the full postal address and the longitude and latitude breakdown of each spot.

1 Resource ...  csv

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Frequency one off
Bradford polling stations
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
A list of all polling station locations within Bradford.

1 Resource ...  csv

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Bradford parliamentary constituencies
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
GeoJson file derived from ONS showing Bradford Districts constituency boundaries

1 Resource ...  geojson

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Bradford allotments
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
List of allotments within the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council.

2 Resources ...  geojson  csv

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
ONS Output Areas
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Simple GeoJSON files for the MSOAs and LSOAs that are part of The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council.

2 Resources ...  geojson

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Bradford war memorials
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
A dataset showing the location of war memorials maintained by Bradford City Council.

1 Resource ...  csv

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency annual
Bradford places to eat and drink
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Places to eat and drink in Bradford. A useful guide to some places where you eat and have a drink.

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Bradford corporate fraud statistics
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Corporate fraud statistics for 2016 - 2017 financial year.

This page includes an Excel document for download.

1 Resource ...  html

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Bradford flood network
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The river level sensors at Bradford Beck and the Bradford Beck Flood Alleviation Channel have been turned off and will no longer be capturing data.

We are in the process of relocating the sensors to Ilkley as part of an Natural Flood Management (NFM) project.

This dataset is now historical and will be updated once the new locations are up and running. These locations were chosen to prove the technology.

The structure of this API is

All data since midnight on 1st February 2017 for Bradford Beck (Westholme Street) sensor.

Sensor values

008000000000d60a = Bradford Beck (Westholme Street) (earliest data 17/02/2017 17:30)

008000000000d60b = Bradford Beck Flood Alleviation Channel (earliest data 22/02/2017 13:45)

2 Resources ...  api

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency discontinued
Bradford gritting
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Bradford has a priority network that we monitor and grit; this includes bus routes, roads that carry the highest amount of traffic and includes access to hospitals and schools.

During especially bad snow conditions we may use snow ploughs on priority roads instead of gritting.

1 Resource ...  geojson

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License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off
Bradford rain gauge rainfall data #floodhack16
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
This dataset has been published as a one off dataset by City of Bradford MDC for the #FloodHack16. The dataset shows 3 rain gauge locations across Bradford for the month of December 2015 covering the Christmas period when the region experienced significant rainfall.

Please note: The dataset shows a timestamp every time 0.2mm of rainfall has been collected. This means the closer the timestamp, the heavier it is raining.

4 Resources ...  link  csv

License UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)
Frequency one off

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Products - courtesy of Data Mill North


Bradford District Dashboard

Open in a new window: District Dashboard

The main section titles have links to underlying dashboards. We would really appreciate any feedback. Please email feedback to Data Analysts


Latest CQC Inspection Results

Open in a new window: Latest CQC Inspection Results


Other open data sites

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Data Mill North
Data North Yorkshire
Liverpool Open Data Portal
Salford Data Quay
